CL 250-tick
On an unrelated note, I predicted an event in my dream 3 days before the event took place. When a dream is that vivid, something tells me that it's going to be one of those that will play out in real life. I was depressed for days. Today, someone in the office described to me something that happened to his friend over the weekend. It matched my dream to the tee.
I am really starting to think that this is a curse.
On another totally unrelated note, I have given up shopping, and delegated the chore to a professional shopper - D (shopping is his hobby). My instructions were simple: FULL black, no bare-back (ok, this is totally D's requirement), no polyester, only Italian and French, simplest lines, perfect cutting, NO American(Sorry, J, Austin and DT!), NO British (Sorry, LW!), NO ribbons, no double/triple tone, NO FLOWERY design. D got me 6 pieces of my favorite brands in mere hours. The shipment arrives in 2 days.
The wonder of online shopping!
i want your personal shopper. I want 7 pieces in different colours :-D
I'd suggest simple white cotton top with spaghetti straps and cutoff faded jeans. flats or heels make it casual or business theme :)
ahem...back to trading, well done Jules! you drove that market like you stole it...
Well done Jules!
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