Sunday, December 12, 2010

Reply & My Baby Gray

@FX: always so observant, always know me so well :-)

@Solfest &LW: I got my African Gray! (paid and picking up next week...need the time to bird-proof my home and for the bird to look less like food). Naming it is a challenge now. We don't know if it's a "he" or a "she". It needs to be a little older before I'll bring it to a vet for gender identification (involves a blood test...). But it needs a name now. So I'm thinking maybe something Solfest or Long & Wrong...but the latter is a mouthful and likely to pose a challenge for me, and the former is a capitalist and a banker...and we don't like capitalists and bankers...


Oh, LW, I'm going to be putting what I'm sure is going to be merely poultry to my felines right next to my very organized desk (til it starts to look more like a Psittaciformes than a Galliformes ) ie. the days that everything's aligned on my desk are numbered.

This is the part I LOVE the most: I'll be playing Austin's videos 24/7 to my 1-month old. I'm hoping that by next Christmas, it will know when and how to buy its own grains! Muahahahhahahahaha!!!!

But before that, I need a name. Desperately. Suggestions are most welcome. But they must come in fast because I'm starting to have some crazy ideas (eg. Adina, Hot Wings).



cory said...

looks like they get along well

Anonymous said...

Just make sure it is definitely an African Gray and not a Norwegian Blue :-)

[Have been hovering over the 'Post Comment' button but undecided if this comment requires further explanation...]

Jules said...

:-) Thank you, Cory. That's so sweet :-)

The cat in the video is a RUSSIAN BLUE, mine is a BRITISH BLUE (what's with all the blues today? LOL!!!) and a very, very possessive one.

Just today, he was combing my hair with his paw when I was lying next to him, and without warning, yank a few strands out with his JAWS. Then he gave me this dirty look and strolled away! He had refused to eat unless I watched him. He seems to know! The thing is, he's always been the first thing I see in the morning, and the last thing I see before I sleep (he makes sure of that - he would sit by my bedside before I turn off the lights, and would be on my tummy when I wake up, and will chase the sister away if she attempts to get near the bed) - I think he overheard my talking about having the baby bird sleep with me for the first few months (I have a very cold home because Alberto can't take Singapore's heat and we have our air-condition on 24 hours a day - so we thought of getting a comforter for birdie which we'll put next to me), and is now very upset....

Jules said...

LW :-)
You have to explain the politics bit! :-)