Friday, April 29, 2011


I blogged for the first time in Jan 2008 to humor Seabloke, and stopped in Mar 2008 when I hit rock bottom in my life. I made the terrible mistake of spiting D by seeing the most despicable man I've ever known. D retaliated by starting to communicate with an old schoolmate that he managed to track down via Facebook. The amazingly stunning and graceful lady lived in Hong Kong (one of D's hometowns) and was smitten by D. D flew to HK to meet her on the 2nd day that we moved to our new home. I couldn't sleep in the bedroom the whole time D was gone. In fact, I couldn't sleep at all. It was during that period that I was alone that Seabloke sent me this song (無賴 is almost a reprobate...I think Sea was on D's side...) I love to this day:

Ronald Cheng's 無賴

In May 2008, I resumed blogging at the advice of my counselor. Writing helped tremendously. It was immensely therapeutic - much more effective than screaming at the top of my lungs. At the same time, I picked up trading. Trading brought out the worst and best in me, and was instrumental in changing me from the inside out. I'm a calmer person today, and definitely a lot tamer and a lot less obstreperous. After almost 2 decades with me, D's finally truly happy now. I have prayed about whether I should continue to write. I don't think I hear the answer yet. I asked D for his opinion. 

"Write a memoir when you are ready," he said. 

Memoir it is then. 

One of Dad's favorite, and my favorite when I was growing up:

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