Thank you all who have written and left comments.
Thank you, Long and Wrong, for the birthday wishes on my FB wall.
I think of all of you all the time, and wish I will be well enough to write regularly again soon.
As always, I have kept to myself most of the time. My sworn brother from Hong Kong who called to find out if I was still alive was about the only family and friend I had spoken with in months. He thinks I need help, and will be visiting for a week in late August. For being dramatic, he gets to stay at the new place I bought which comes with its own reflective pool. Yes, I am moving again. The thought of starting another renovation gives me a major headache. My designer is a little upset that tenants of my current home will be enjoying the fruits of his labor, and D is very upset about having to leave behind his lavish kitchen.
I started trading on June 7th. I no longer do post-mortem on individual trades (and hence have not captured any charts), relying instead on trading statements to give me a general idea of how I have performed, and whether my trading is making any money sense.
Thank you, Long and Wrong, for the birthday wishes on my FB wall.
I think of all of you all the time, and wish I will be well enough to write regularly again soon.
As always, I have kept to myself most of the time. My sworn brother from Hong Kong who called to find out if I was still alive was about the only family and friend I had spoken with in months. He thinks I need help, and will be visiting for a week in late August. For being dramatic, he gets to stay at the new place I bought which comes with its own reflective pool. Yes, I am moving again. The thought of starting another renovation gives me a major headache. My designer is a little upset that tenants of my current home will be enjoying the fruits of his labor, and D is very upset about having to leave behind his lavish kitchen.
I started trading on June 7th. I no longer do post-mortem on individual trades (and hence have not captured any charts), relying instead on trading statements to give me a general idea of how I have performed, and whether my trading is making any money sense.
Attached below is statement for trades taken from June 7th to July 6th. Total PnL is USD 9,289.
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My mind is so foggy....who is this again? Hehe....good to hear from you! =)
Very nice results for June. Your kung fu was working well while mine...not so much... :)
I will miss your chart porn...especially all that psychedelic sexiness. ;-)
What's the reason for the move? Are the neighbors upstairs still a big problem?
The neighbors are not the reason for the move, Soulfire. I've been looking to buy a new property to rent out or to live in, and simply decided on the latter.
Yes i read your post, and am glad you got out of your trade unscathed. Do you hold a day job? Must be tough - juggling a full time job and trading.
Hey Jules!
The way you change properties... (Why am I hearing Katy Perry in my head now?)
If you are not careful, you will soon be a property-whore ;)
Girl go you!
Greetings and salutations from an equities man-whore :)
Almost didn't recognise the place without the shocking pink decor :)
Good to see you back.
I should just quit trading and hand my money over to you. And I had a pretty decent month in June!
Glad to see you back in action.
Lord Tedders
Glad to see you still here. Wishing you all the best...
@SMOL: Yes, real estate properties are about the only things I like to buy. ;-)
@1Lot: Thank you :-)
@LT: So good to see you back :-) It's been a while...And happy to hear you had a great month.
@Daytrader: Thank you :-) and best wishes to you too.
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