Tuesday, April 10, 2012

CL Trades 4/9 (Mon)

Clearly, I got carried away with the whole  "robotic" trading exercise...And definitely needing to make up my mind on whether to skip the first 30 minutes of market open, and skip the entire session whenever the family upstairs are trying to kill one another. 
I'm likely to give tomorrow's session a miss, unless I get back in time from house hunting. I have had enough of my crazy neighbors who are depriving me of the resort-style peace and quiet that this project was initially known for. Regulations forbid selling within the next 4 years unless I pay a hefty seller's stamp duty, so I'm keeping my beloved cave. I'll return after I've mastered the art of ignoring full-day mahjong noises coming from adjacent units that could potentially kill me or the perpetrators, and screams and foot stomping at 3am from the violent family upstairs. 

It was so much quieter when I was living in the heart of the business district. What an irony. 

@Soulfire: Yep, I believe in stops now. Managed to access your site but still having problem leaving comments...

@Ed: So glad to hear from you! Are you a full-time Engineer now? Daytrading is challenging when you hold a day job, so maybe it's a good thing you take the buy/sell and hold route for now.

@Kashif: I trade only futures. Trading does not depress me. People do. I deal with my depression by depressing happy people.

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Soullfire said...

Yeah, noisy neighbors can definitely be a big pain....that was my big motivation to get a house...

Don't forget you created your own xanga account:


Now you just have to remember your password, haha!

Anonymous said...

If you start trading like this then I will have to start trading with no stops at all. Failure to do this will cause the universe to become unbalanced and all kinds of global chaos could ensue.


PS Lend the neighbours your copy of "Eat, Pray, Love". That should send them to sleep :-)

Jules said...

I did, Soulfire?? Great, I haven't a clue where I kept the file that contains all my passwords....Ha.

Jules said...

LW :-) Our world is ending in 8 months and you're worried about an unbalanced universe...hmmm....

"Eat, Pray, Love"?

Why not "The Age of Absurdity" :-)

Anonymous said...

The world ends in 8 months? Is that the Mayan prophecy (or not... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-16295720) or when Spain defaults? My money is on the latter!

Ed said...

Yeah Jules, I'm a full time software engineer now. My goal is still to retire early, so I need to learn the buy and hold approach for fixed income and to beat inflation.

cory said...

I used to live in an apartment. My solution to sound problem was striking the ceiling with a broomstick until the neighbor stop making noise. But if you can't do that consider buying a noise cancelling headphone or sound proofing your room http://www.ehow.com/how_8785255_acoustically-treat-bedroom.html

Jules said...

LOL!!! Cory :-)
That was what a lady did, and she and her neighbor ended up fighting, and landing themselves at the police station I was volunteering as a mediator some time back in 1995/1996 in Edmonton (where Swamiguru lives :-)). Yes, I counseled them. HA HA.

Given that my upstairs neighbors are violent, and much bigger than me in built, I'll rather try something less confrontational, like recording their fighting scenes (I can see them) and putting them on youtube. HA.

Jules said...

LW :-) it's likely in the Chinese calendar too, coz all these Canto pop singers/composers are singing songs to remind us to be nice to one another while we all count down to doomsday together.