CL 5min (Mon) |
CL 5min (Tues) |
Trading has taken a back seat while I settle my mother-in-law down. Conceptualization for the design of my new home is underway, and I should be getting really busy working with my interior designer come September. I expect routine to return sometime in December.
My mother-in-law turns out to be the mother that I've never had. It's lovely to have her around (I only wish I'll learn to lose the need for solitude). We're enticing her to take up permanent residency in Singapore, and give up her US citizenship ultimately. Our efforts have been futile so far, because I have not sounded convincing. I mean, I really want to be back in Canada myself.
A song that I like very much (MV is a little disturbing for many though):
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that is a great song...
Sorry, i'm just not that original anymore. So, I simply borrow SwamiGuru's trademark comment.
I see that LW is still stalking, i mean lurking here. I'm sure SwamiGuru passes through now and then. He's got the free time now that AutoMan or Robodude is doing his trading for him!
It's good to see you're still trading. All the best!
Hi Jules, since you can pull 100% a month from the markets why get a career? Why not just trade for yourself or become a hedge fund manager. With low interest rates there are people out there killing for yield. :) Best,
Look out - the Elite Trader crew is stalking you now :P
@TYL: Yes, it's a great song. There's a Cantonese version, but I prefer the original :-)
@DT: LOL! LW lurking? I wish ;-)
@Jill - I thought a "real" job would make me feel useful...but as of June this year, I am trading for a living. As to why I haven't become a fund manager - I guess I am not ready for that kind of responsibility and pressure yet :-)
@LT: Thank you for the link. Thread was fun to read :-)
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