Friday, February 01, 2013

Trades 1/28-1/31

D flew last Saturday for yet another business trip, giving me the freedom to trade however I want.

Traded mainly the Sydney open, and held the last trade for the rest of the day, and beyond...

Added another short.

After having stayed awake for 30 hours watching a trade gone from bad to catastrophically bad, I really missed my bed. So I covered at slightly better than breakeven, and didn't feel a thing when price hit my target moments after I threw in the towel.

Woke up 3 hours later to yen at day low. So I waited, and waited, and then as I was having supper, yen popped to the level that was very nice for shorting. I sold a contract, and was out after 10 minutes. If only every future position is short and sweet like this.

I woke up to an ugly yen chart, and was all prepared to go get some fresh groceries instead (I have been relying heavily on online shopping, and the store I have been buying from has been depriving me of broccoli, apples and heaps of other stuff....). Eventually, I didn't summon enough courage to get out of my home. To kill time, I took a long shower, gave my 3 felines a really long massage, and made early coffee for D's mum (she loves my coffee...for a non-coffee drinker I make really good coffee - by D and his mum's standards, that is) before shorting yen at where I thought was the highest yen could go for the day. Was stopped out on that trade, and went to take a 2nd shower before returning to stare at my screen for the rest of the day.

Yes, I lead a very boring existence. D's mum, who's 72, and who has me and only me for company is so bored out of her wits that she's asking for directions to take the bus to tour the city...

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Attitude Trader said...

Thank you for the update. Made me smile. :) Always good to hear from you.


Anonymous said...

So I wrote a lengthy comment and then deleted all of the bits where I was calling you crazy for fear I might offend. Here's what's left...


Jules said...

AT :-) Thank you :-)

LW, as always, you crack me up :-) I need a little craziness in my life don't you think? Besides, no one got hurt. Hur...hur......