6J 5min |
On Friday morning, I contacted my agent and viewings were arranged the very evening. Paper work has since been completed, and we are going to be living separately 3 days from now. I could finally find the peace to resume trading on Monday.
I am making a living for the family - mostly for D and his mum - so I am not going to apologize for taking the liberty to secure the personal space and peace of mind I need in order to work effectively.
As always, I appreciate all the comments.
@ Soulfire: you know me well :-)
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As always, best wishes...
Glad it all worked well in the end.
Some traders need peace and solitude.
Some traders need to be with people; hence they join a prop firm or trading arcade.
Happiness is knowing what you need and acting upon it.
When in harmony, it shows in our trading results!
Thank you so much. :-)
That is some mundo awesome trading!
So how will this work -will you have your own private Bat Cave for trading only and "commute" back to the main home after hours?
the new cave is for my mother in law. D has yet to break the news to her. I love the apartment at first sight and took it at the first viewing - in the event that mil opts to stay on board the mother ship, I'll move to the new nest with my cats. Either way works for me.
Yes, I am self-centered :-) My sanity comes first - it's only when I am well that I can make money. D and I are sole sponsors of my mother in law's stay here for as long as she lives - and she is used to the finer things in life.
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