Wednesday, July 13, 2011


D flew this morning. He's going to be away longer than usual this time. I'm not expecting to feel lonely, because exams are just 3 days away, and I haven't finished 1/16th of the material I need to cover. Ha.

I was surfing the net for information on ground-level apartment safety, and came across an interesting blog authored by a very young mother of 2 tiny toddlers. The page I had landed on was her late 2010 entry. Something about what she wrote intrigued me enough to check out her latest post in July. I read all her 2011 entries, and then started reading from her 2006 archive, when she was just 16. I managed only a few posts. SHE'S A BUSY BEE!!! I had a tremendously hard time following the names she mentioned - those of her friends', her family's, her extended family's, the cosmetics she used and just bought, the malls she visited, the pubs she frequented, the meals she prepared, the holiday destinations, etc, etc. Each of her days from 2006 to today has been so jam-packed with activities that I feel totally exhausted for her!

I needed to find out if it was just me, or that she's really one of those rare super hyper types. So I logged on to Facebook for the first time in what must have been a month to see what the 130 souls that I've always assumed I have some kind of connection with have all been up to.  What confronted me immediately: a couple of birthday wishes on my wall, and a couple via emails (including 1 from LONG and WRONG !!); emails on matters unrelated to my birthday; lots of status updates and notifications; and lots of changed profile pictures. 

I got the answer I wasn't looking for: EVERYONE ELSE HAS A LIFE. 

I couldn't log out fast enough, and had to go out for a smoke to calm my nerves. 

I have plenty of messages to reply to, and lots of explaining to do.

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Anonymous said...

Uhm...what's facebook? LOL

Jules said...

LOL!!! Thank you, Sandy!!! I feel better already. ;-)

Attitude Trader said...

Umm...what's a LONG and WRONG?


Jules said...

:-) Your British counterpart ;-)

Anonymous said...

Umm... what's a life?

Jules said..., it means you don't ever get out of jail; in AT's, after 30 years?? :-)